
Duodenal Switch Surgery in Tijuana, MX

Losing weight and keeping it off can be a challenge, even with bariatric surgery. A duodenal switch may be ideal in these cases.

A duodenal switch combines restrictive and malabsorptive weight loss methods, helping patients overcome severe obesity and comorbidities.

Learn how ALO Bariatrics in Tijuana, Mexico, can help you shed excess weight and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

What Is a Duodenal Switch?

Also known as a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS), the duodenal switch is a malabsorptive weight loss surgery that can provide life-changing benefits. Here is how it works: 

Reduction of Stomach Size

The first step in a duodenal switch is performing a gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy). This removes up to 80 percent of a patient's stomach. This makes patients feel fuller faster and reduces sensations of hunger. Reduced calorie consumption aids in restrictive weight loss.

Bypassing Part of the Small Intestine

Next, your surgeon bypasses approximately two-thirds of your small intestine. By making this alteration, patients will absorb fewer calories from food during the digestion process.

Rerouting the Bypassed Small Intestine

The third step is biliopancreatic diversion. The bypassed portion of the intestine is reattached to the end of the rerouted small intestine. This allows bile and pancreatic digestive juices to flow to the end of the rerouted intestine and continue to aid in digestion.

How does a duodenal switch compare to other bariatric surgery options?

A Patient's Success Story


“Three (3) years ago I decided to make a change in my life. It wasn’t just a physical transformation. The transformation was more than that. I’m more confident in my own skin now. The insecurities I used to have, that used to prevent me from being the person I really was all along, are now gone. I have definitely bloomed!!

“Folks will say, ‘You’ve changed!’ Well, don’t let that bother you. In fact, embrace those comments because you know that it’s really just the real you showing up now, without those pesky insecurities. I sure have changed! I’m ME now, and enjoying life to the fullest!!”

– maskinduction, 5-Star Google Review

Is Duodenal Switch Surgery Right for Me?

Extremely High BMI

Duodenal switch is typically recommended for people with a BMI of 50 or greater, or a BMI of 40 or greater accompanied by comorbidities such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure.

Weight Loss Struggles

As with other bariatric procedures, duodenal switch surgery is designed for people who have attempted to lose excess weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise but were unable to achieve lasting weight loss results.

In Good Overall Health

Given the nature of the duodenal switch, patients must be able to tolerate surgery. During your consultation at our Tijuana-headquartered practice, our bariatric surgeons will review your medical history to determine if you can safely undergo the procedure.

Revision Bariatric Surgery

Some gastric sleeve and gastric bypass patients who were unable to lose a sufficient amount of weight can have their procedures converted into a duodenal switch. This helps patients achieve their final weight loss goals.

Ready to Talk About Duodenal Switch Surgery?


Duodenal switch surgery may be just what you need to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Our bariatric surgery centers in TijuanaGuadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico are here to help. These state-of-the-art facilities can safely and affordably perform complicated bariatric procedures.The ALO Bariatrics team includes proud members of the following organizations:
  • The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
  • The Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Metabolic Diseases
  • The Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery

To learn more about duodenal switch, contact our bariatric surgeons online or call our bariatric surgery practice at:


The team at ALO Bariatrics can develop a custom weight loss solution based on your needs. With three convenient locations in Mexico, you can shed excess weight and save on surgery.

The Cost of Surgery


The cost of a duodenal switch at our Tijuana surgical center is $6,800. The final cost of surgery can vary based on the needs of the patient and the city in which you undergo the procedure. While more expensive than gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery, BPD-DS can yield more dramatic weight loss results.

LocationGastric SleeveGastric BypassDuodenal SwitchLAP-BAND
Puerto Vallarta$4,900$6,500$7,500$5,900
Guadalajara – Puerta de Hierro$4,900$6,500$7,500$5,900

To help make duodenal switch surgery more affordable, ALO Bariatrics offers financing options.

Insurance Coverage

Duodenal switch surgery is often covered by insurance. However, coverage can vary. Be sure to contact your provider directly to learn about your coverage. The team at our bariatric surgery centers in Tijuana, Guadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico can help with the filing process.

A Patient-Centered Approach to Treating Obesity


Jennifer Tawdi
Jennifer Tawdi
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I received the best care at ALO Bariatrics TJ location, the whole medical staff amazing! I promise you will not regret allowing them to give you the tool to kick obesity out of your life. I'm forever grateful.
Pam Kirouac
Pam Kirouac
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Wow. Exceeded my expectations after doing over a year and a half of research into gastric sleeve. I had a friend recommend ALÔ and it was the best decision of my life! The care, attention, treatment, communication, everything was top notch.

A Closer Look at Duodenal Switch Surgery

The Duodenal Switch Procedure


Plastic surgery at our Tijuana-based practice offers quality care and impressive results at a cost you can afford. Our medical tourism packages make it possible for you to receive life-changing cosmetic surgery while enjoying the sites and cultural activities the city has to offer. Your surgery at our Tijuana practice will be:

Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, we will go over your weight loss goals and determine which surgery may be right for you. Sometimes a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass procedure is more appropriate. That can only be determined by discussing matters with our bariatric surgeons.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia and local anesthetic are administered to keep patients relaxed and comfortable during their surgery. Your vitals will be closely monitored throughout the procedure.


Laparoscopic Surgery

ALO Bariatrics performs laparoscopic weight loss surgery. This means that our bariatric surgeons use small articulate instruments and only make small incisions. This avoids the need for open surgery, reduces surgical risks, leaves few visible scars, and improves patient comfort and healing times.

Altering Stomach Size

Much like a sleeve gastrectomy, surgeons will first reduce the size of the stomach by around 70 to 80 percent. This restricts calorie intake and controls sensations of hunger.

Adjusting the Intestine

Next, the small intestine is rerouted and altered. This allows a portion of the digestive tract to be bypassed, reducing the amount of calories that are absorbed during the digestion proces

Finishing the Surgical Procedure

ALO Bariatrics uses Johnson & Johnson staples, which we then reinforce with sutures. This helps reduce the risk of gastric leaks and other complications during the critical early stages of healing.

Contact Our Weight Loss Specialists


If you’re in need of a revision bariatric surgery or have a BMI of 50 or greater, a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch may be right for you. When you visit our offices in Tijuana, Guadalajara, or Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, you’ll discuss your weight loss options with our experienced bariatric surgeons. We’ll help develop a custom treatment plan so you can achieve your wellness goals. To learn more, contact ALO Bariatric online. You can also reach our weight loss surgery center by phone.

Recovering from Surgery

After duodenal switch, patients will be on a liquid diet for approximately two weeks. Patients will slowly switch to pureed food in the next two weeks of recovery, gradually reintroducing soft foods and solids into their diet after about a month. Be sure to eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and savor your food.

Most patients are able to return to work after two weeks. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided for up to six weeks after surgery. While running and heavy cardio must be avoided, patients are encouraged to walk a little each day in order to promote circulation and improve the healing experience.

ALO Bariatrics will provide full post-op aftercare instructions to patients. We will also answer any questions or concerns you may have while you are healing.

Life After Surgery


The changes to the digestive tract will require duodenal switch patients to take nutritional supplements for the rest of their lives. This ensures that patients are getting their daily recommended allowances of iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamins A, K, D, and B12. During the consultation process, the ALO Bariatrics team will provide a detailed list of vitamins and minerals that will require supplementation.

Why You Should Choose ALO Bariatrics


Experienced Board-Certified Surgeons

Our bariatric surgeons are board certified and have several decades of combined weight loss surgery experience. Dr. Alejandro Lopez alone has performed more than 6,000 duodenal switch, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve surgeries since 2005.

State-of-the-Art Surgical Facilities

Our locations in Tijuana, Guadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta are all high-end, state-of-the-art facilities. Each ALO Bariatrics location performs laparoscopic procedures that minimize scarring and promote fast healing.

International Surgical Accreditations

ALO Bariatrics is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) and the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS), ensuring high standards of patient care.

Save Money with Medical Tourism

Undergoing weight loss surgery in Mexico can save you a lot of money on your BPD-DS procedure. At ALO Bariatrics, you will not have to worry about diminished surgical quality. We offer safe, cutting-edge weight loss surgery treatment that’s also affordable.

Our Team Is Ready to Help You

Your Success Is Our Goal


Jim Kirkbride
Jim Kirkbride
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I highly recommend the team at ALO Bariatrics. Sandra is amazing at providing details and ensuring you are their #1 priority. Dr Lopez is a gifted surgeon with vast experience in bariatric procedures. The Tijuana facilities are clean, safe, well staffed and dedicated to protecting the patients’ dignity and care. If you are thinking about weight loss surgery as a health or cosmetic option, ALO should be your choice.
LaToya Stamper
LaToya Stamper
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I would recommend this practice go anyone seeking bariatric surgery. Dr. Lopez and the hospital staff at Hospital Guadalajara were great, and my coordinator Sandra was awesome. I felt safe the entire time and the hotel staff at the Marriott provided the best service Ive ever had at a hotel. No regrets here.

Make a Positive Change in Your Life


Undergoing weight loss surgery may be just what you need to reduce your BMI and improve your general health and wellness. ALO Bariatrics is here to help.

During a consultation at our offices in Tijuana, Guadalajara, or Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we’ll go over the risks and benefits associated with surgery. This will help you make an informed decision about your surgical options.

Make a change today. To schedule a consultation, contact our practice online. You can also call our team of weight loss specialists at:

Our bariatric surgeons have your best interests in mind.


Our Surgical Centers


Duodenal Switch FAQs

What Is the Difference between Duodenal Switch and Gastric Bypass?

While both of these surgeries combine malabsorptive and restrictive weight loss mechanisms, they have some key differences. Most importantly, a duodenal switch bypasses two-thirds of the small intestine, and is much more complicated than a gastric bypass procedure. This major revision of the digestive tract allows people to lose more weight with BPD-DS than they would in a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

Which Surgeries Can Be Converted into a Duodenal Switch?

was ineffective, a revision can be performed to help you lose additional weight. It's possible to convert most other bariatric surgeries into a duodenal switch. This includes popular options like gastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) and gastric bypass surgery.

Is Duodenal Switch Surgery Safe?

Yes. The duodenal switch is safe. For patients with a very high BMI or who require revision of a previous procedure, BPD-DS may be the most ideal option to achieve long-term health and wellness.

What Are the Potential Risks of Duodenal Switch Surgery?

Duodenal switch is a complex procedure and does involve some risk of potential complications. These complications include malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and bowel obstruction.During your visit to our offices in Tijuana, Guadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta, we will go over all of the potential disadvantages of surgery in greater detail. By carefully considering the pros and cons, you'll be able to make an informed decision on whether or not a duodenal switch is right for you.

Can You Regain Weight after a Duodenal Switch?

It is possible to regain weight after you've undergone BPD-DS. Regaining some of the weight you've lost after surgery is normal, but our primary concern is a major regain of the initial weight that's been lost. This may be due to diet, physical activity, or various health and medical factors.That said, patients are less likely to regain weight after BPD-DS than they are after other bariatric procedures, such as gastric banding, gastric sleeve, or gastric bypass. This is due to the nature of duodenal switch surgery and how it promotes both restrictive and malabsorptive weight loss.

What Can I Eat after Surgery?

Immediately after your bariatric surgery, you'll be on a liquid diet that will help with healing as you slowly reintroduce solid foods. When you return to eating solid foods, it a good idea to incorporate the following items into your regular diet:

  • Lean sources of protein 
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole grains
  • Low-fat milk and dairy
We recommend avoiding candy, sodas, sugary juices, and junk food. We can provide additional diet guidelines during the consultation process.

If you have a question that wasn’t addressed on this page, the team at ALO Bariatrics can give you the answers you’re looking for.

"I'm forever grateful."


Kiera Cook
Kiera Cook
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I did numerous hours of research before considering ALO Bariatrics because of the dangers of medical tourism. Once I convinced my mom (a 20+ year RN) that I had done enough research and that he was licensed and had a great record I had the gastric sleeve performed in Puerta Vallarta and it was an amazing experience. After 3 years I have lost close to 100 lbs and am doing well. No complications and I have several underlying health issues prior you. I got clearance from my US doctors prior to traveling for my surgery. (Cardiologist and Endocrine) who worked with me to make sure I was prepared for the procedure. The hospital was clean (cleaner than any us hospital I've ever seen) the doctors were pleasant and knowledgeable and very great at communicating what to expect. On top of all that thr recovery resort was absolutely beautiful and the beach recovery was so relaxing. In conclusion this was one of the best decisions I've ever made!
Read More
Wow. Exceeded my expectations after doing over a year and a half of research into gastric sleeve. I had a friend recommend ALÔ and it was the best decision of my life! The care, attention, treatment, communication, everything was top notch. Any misconceptions or doubts you have about Mexico, Tijuana or “foreign medical care” doesn’t apply here. 100% would recommend to anyone. Dr Lopez was incredible! Did my surgery Aug 23 2019 and already down 85 lbs! 60 to go.... UPDATE: it is just over a year from my surgery and I am down to about 185 lbs. from the original 330! Some new encounters with heartburn, but have managed it well with antacids. I am LOVING the new me!